I'm a native Texan, graphic designer by day, photographer and all around adventure seeker by night and weekend. I've been doing art of some sort all my life. I spent my early childhood drawing cartoon characters and imaginary treasure maps that my friends and I would use to explore the neighborhood with. Though I don't think we ever did find any treasure...

Once I got to junior high, my father - who worked at the local community college - brought me home some graphics programs to play around with. Before long I was making logos and websites for just about anything. By my late teens, I snagged a job at a small screenprinting shop making t-shirt designs. I instantly loved it and decided to get a BFA in Communication Design from the University of North Texas.  

So here we are; six years of college and three working years later. I work for an international fashion company doing web design. Fun stuff, but I long for the creative freedom of doing my own work again. And that is where my DSLR and i finally meet. Given to me a year ago by my dear friend as a birthday present, this camera has opened up to me a whole new world and new eyes to view it with.