A friend of mine shared this link with me from Red Lemon Club . I thought it had some helpful tips and advice about having success selling your photos on stock websites... thought I would share! Enjoy!
8 key Tips for Contributing to and Earning from Stock Sites >
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Ecommerce for Photography
Hey everyone!
I attended a photo seminar over the weekend, and upon talking to some other amateur photographers like myself, I realized that perhaps there are a lot of photographers out there who are unfamiliar with the idea of having an online presence for their photography. Since my day job in web design means I am constantly interacting with and learning about the web, I often forget that there are still plenty of folks out there to whom this whole online way of doing things is quite foreign.
I am currently beginning to set up my own online presence for my photography. This will eventually include a professional website, email marketing, online selling via a variety of online art marketplaces, etc. (key word here is EVENTUALLY.. its just too overwhelming to try and do in a week or a month for me!)
So as I start getting my feet wet in this, I thought it would be helpful to share my experiences, tips, resources and lessons learned in the event that it might help others out there who are feeling lost and/or totally intimidated by it. Believe me, even a web savvy person such as myself doesn't know it all, and yes, I'm intimidated by the idea of launching my personal work out into the world wide web just as much as the next person!
In closing, I'll share a bit about listening to your gut when it comes to moving forward:
Remember to have fun with it first! Often times, I will push myself too hard to get something done and make it more stressful than it needs to be. Over time, that can really suck the life out something you are passionate about. Before long, it becomes a chore. I feel that by taking quicker and smaller forward steps and listening to my gut, I'm able to make the tedious and technical things more enjoyable and have more energy left over at the end of it. This of course may not apply to those who are professional photographers and have hard deadlines, etc, but for those of us who do this as a hobby or want to slowly easy into it professionally someday... I think this method works well.
All I did last month was get myself signed up on an online marketplace, which took about 10 minutes. I didn't even get the darn photos uploaded to sell until a month later! But that's okay. I choose to get into action when I am feeling motivated to do it. If I'm not motivated to sit at the computer and learn about online sales, then I go out to a movie instead! We go at the speed we need to, in order to allow ourselves to enjoy life! =)
Check back with me soon, I'll be posting about Professional pages on Facebook versus Personal Profiles (and if you didn't even KNOW there was such a thing as professional pages on Facebook, no worries, I just found out last week!)
I attended a photo seminar over the weekend, and upon talking to some other amateur photographers like myself, I realized that perhaps there are a lot of photographers out there who are unfamiliar with the idea of having an online presence for their photography. Since my day job in web design means I am constantly interacting with and learning about the web, I often forget that there are still plenty of folks out there to whom this whole online way of doing things is quite foreign.
I am currently beginning to set up my own online presence for my photography. This will eventually include a professional website, email marketing, online selling via a variety of online art marketplaces, etc. (key word here is EVENTUALLY.. its just too overwhelming to try and do in a week or a month for me!)
So as I start getting my feet wet in this, I thought it would be helpful to share my experiences, tips, resources and lessons learned in the event that it might help others out there who are feeling lost and/or totally intimidated by it. Believe me, even a web savvy person such as myself doesn't know it all, and yes, I'm intimidated by the idea of launching my personal work out into the world wide web just as much as the next person!
In closing, I'll share a bit about listening to your gut when it comes to moving forward:
Remember to have fun with it first! Often times, I will push myself too hard to get something done and make it more stressful than it needs to be. Over time, that can really suck the life out something you are passionate about. Before long, it becomes a chore. I feel that by taking quicker and smaller forward steps and listening to my gut, I'm able to make the tedious and technical things more enjoyable and have more energy left over at the end of it. This of course may not apply to those who are professional photographers and have hard deadlines, etc, but for those of us who do this as a hobby or want to slowly easy into it professionally someday... I think this method works well.
All I did last month was get myself signed up on an online marketplace, which took about 10 minutes. I didn't even get the darn photos uploaded to sell until a month later! But that's okay. I choose to get into action when I am feeling motivated to do it. If I'm not motivated to sit at the computer and learn about online sales, then I go out to a movie instead! We go at the speed we need to, in order to allow ourselves to enjoy life! =)
Check back with me soon, I'll be posting about Professional pages on Facebook versus Personal Profiles (and if you didn't even KNOW there was such a thing as professional pages on Facebook, no worries, I just found out last week!)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday Feature: Sean Fitzgerald

So I almost forgot about getting this posted today! I've been busy at work and haven't had time to find anyone new to me this week - so I thought I'd take a moment to share a bit about someone I already know:
Sean Fitzgerald has one of those stories that I think really inspires. He was actually a lawyer for quite a few years. He had never really been very artistic in his first 25 years of life he says, but after law school, he started taking pictures and getting in touch with that creative side he never knew. Well, it turned out that not only did he love expressing that side of himself, but he was a natural at it. After about 10 years working at photography, Sean is now a successful professional photographer doing a wide variety of work - from editorial to fine art to commercial work.

In the spring, I managed to stop procrastinating and get myself out to the photo club's quarterly group critique. When I arrived, I discovered that I was standing in the studio of the very photographer whose photos I'd sat drooling over months before... and to top that, he was about to be teaching a wildlife workshop in Austin soon. This was a miracle event for me, as I had JUST come upon some money and it was the first time in my life I was able to afford something like a $1000 weekend workshop. Talk about the universe speaking to you!
The workshop was amazing. I have to say that Sean is one of the best teachers I've ever worked with. I gained so much from his wisdom and experience and the positive critiques I received from him and the others there gave me a hundred time more confidence in my own work. Heck, I even came away with a few photos that have since been in shows both in-state and out!
I think Sean's story can really inspire others - I know it inspired me. As someone who had never really been interested in photography until just a year ago, it excites me to see the possibility that no matter where you are in life, you can still discover new paths and passions along the way.
Thanks Sean!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday Feature: Greg Davis
Hi ya'll!
This is a bit late in the day, but better late than never!
I ran across Greg Davis at a local festival recently here in Dallas. He had a booth up selling his work and I happened to make it by when he was doing a presentation about his work and story.
Greg essentially started out his photo career about 5 years ago. He ventured out to do the thing I think so many of us dream to do: left his corporate job to spend a year traveling the world. The thing I love about Greg's story is that he's never really had much of a plan, other than taking chances and seeing where it goes. Originally he had no intention of being a photographer (and has had no formal training), he set out on the journey and took pictures with a $400 point-and-shoot camera along the way. It wasn't until a bit later that he and others began to realize he had a real talent for this photography thing.
Now Greg is traveling internationally several times a year to shoot and spending the remainder of his time traveling the US to sell his work at galleries, art shows and festivals. He still does not have a plan by the way... other than to just keep doing what he loves and continuing to put it out there. The "non-plan" plan seems to be working well for him, too. He has started to gain some recognition as an international photographer and just signed on with National Geographic to work on smaller projects with them as needed. I am definitely interested to see where this journey takes him and what amazing work he will accomplish in the future.
I think Greg's story is a wonderful reminder that we don't always need to have it all planned out. Often we get so caught up in having a plan in life that it keeps us from ever getting started. Maybe it's enough to just have the courage to explore your passion and put yourself out there - and let the plan unfold in front of you - one photo at a time.
Below are a few samples of Greg's work.
Check out more here!
This is a bit late in the day, but better late than never!

Greg essentially started out his photo career about 5 years ago. He ventured out to do the thing I think so many of us dream to do: left his corporate job to spend a year traveling the world. The thing I love about Greg's story is that he's never really had much of a plan, other than taking chances and seeing where it goes. Originally he had no intention of being a photographer (and has had no formal training), he set out on the journey and took pictures with a $400 point-and-shoot camera along the way. It wasn't until a bit later that he and others began to realize he had a real talent for this photography thing.
Now Greg is traveling internationally several times a year to shoot and spending the remainder of his time traveling the US to sell his work at galleries, art shows and festivals. He still does not have a plan by the way... other than to just keep doing what he loves and continuing to put it out there. The "non-plan" plan seems to be working well for him, too. He has started to gain some recognition as an international photographer and just signed on with National Geographic to work on smaller projects with them as needed. I am definitely interested to see where this journey takes him and what amazing work he will accomplish in the future.
I think Greg's story is a wonderful reminder that we don't always need to have it all planned out. Often we get so caught up in having a plan in life that it keeps us from ever getting started. Maybe it's enough to just have the courage to explore your passion and put yourself out there - and let the plan unfold in front of you - one photo at a time.
Below are a few samples of Greg's work.
Check out more here!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Three Shots in the Show!
Hey ya'll!
I'm so excited to share with you the three photos that have been selected for a show in Austin. This being my first year really doing photography - I'm overwhelmed by the positive response I have gotten. If you'd told me a year ago that I'd have my work in three shows in 2010 (one of those being out of state!) I would have laughed in your face!
I think the best part of this experience has been learning to NOT focus on trying to get my photos into shows or win awards, but instead to just focus on creating images that I love. Maybe I will never sell a single print or win a single award, but either way I will love what I do, and I believe that at least a small bit of other people will too. =)
Boldt Castle Stairwell, Alexandria Bay, NY
Barn Light, Dexter, NY
American Bison Portrait, Dripping Springs, TX
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Friday Feature: Todd Klassy
I'm going to be out of town for the rest of this week, so i'm posting this week's Friday Feature a bit early!
I always love to hear about people taking off on a grand adventure to travel and photograph as they go. Todd Klassy is one of those individuals - and apparently is bringing his very clever cat Steve along for the ride! Leaving behind career, family, the big house and his own small business, he and Steve are out to spend the next few years traveling throughout the western US to capture some incredible shots.
I love the feeling evoked in his landscapes. To me it clearly speaks of an individual taking time to really connect with the place they are in on a deep level. One of my favorite blog posts of his was a recent one about the Jerusalem Rocks in northern Montana. Just gorgeous.
I always love to hear about people taking off on a grand adventure to travel and photograph as they go. Todd Klassy is one of those individuals - and apparently is bringing his very clever cat Steve along for the ride! Leaving behind career, family, the big house and his own small business, he and Steve are out to spend the next few years traveling throughout the western US to capture some incredible shots.
I love the feeling evoked in his landscapes. To me it clearly speaks of an individual taking time to really connect with the place they are in on a deep level. One of my favorite blog posts of his was a recent one about the Jerusalem Rocks in northern Montana. Just gorgeous.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Getty Images Call for Artists
Happy Monday everyone!
I just discovered that Getty Images has a Flickr group! They accept 12 photos per user on a quarterly basis for review. If your images catch the eye of one of their editors, you will receive an email invite to join the
Flickr Collection on Getty Images.
The current quarterly entry period lasts until the end of October, so start posting those photos!
Deadline: Oct 31st, 2010 (and quarterly after this).
Cost: FREE!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Friday Feature: Elaine Vallet
Greetings on this lovely Friday! It's cool and overcast here in Dallas this morning. The fall leaves are just beginning to fall... stippling the air with every breeze. Ah a lovely day to share some creative energy!
Today's Friday Feature is Elaine Vallet, whom I believe is French. Due to my inability to understand French, I've had a hard time learning much about her other than she taking some pretty stunning B&W photos. I did find an interview in english with Elaine by Marc Olivier of Take Out Photo - read it here.
Or VISIT HER WEBSITE to see more of her work!
Sorry this one is short! The business of life is calling..
Here's hoping your Friday goes well!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Forwardifying via Online Marketplaces!
You know, I love writing and I journal daily, so I thought I'd begin to post some personal entries on here about my own process of moving from amateur to professional photographer. I greatly enjoy and am inspired by others who share their own process and experiences along the way, so I figured "what the hell! why not share mine?" =)
Just so you're aware, I'm a big fan of making up my own fun words for things - hence this post's title. It gets me fired up and keeps things fun, creative and approachable! Approachability is definitely key in making progress.
As I attempt to keep my focus on the creative projects I have going on at work - the usual happens when the workload isn't QUITE busy enough to keep a fire under my butt: I get lost in photo land...
This is a real problem for me. I'm deciding that I'm okay with that. This morning it was people's individual photo blogs... several of which I loved and plan to write up some Friday Features on soon. This afternoon I've moved on to the world of online marketplaces! Oh my!
At this point in my non-career in photography, I've not yet previously entered the world of the online marketplace. I'm sure in part because I doubt that my work will really sell. I have a way that this all plays out in my head... After the initial excitement of creating numerous accounts and uploading dozens of images and entering all the information about myself and my work - I will sit back with pride and watch... what? no purchases? Not a single ONE? NO ONE wants my work?!? And then the excitement will crumble away as the reality of my invisibility in the vast online world takes hold. I'm sure this happens to a lot of people. Right? (being hopeful here! don't leave me hangin!)
Ok, so even though I am not wanting to face that inevitable invisible place - I do still believe! I believe in my heart of hearts that this CAN happen for me - no matter how long it takes! I figure if i've got that on my side, then its worth taking the plunge!
So today I've signed up on a few online marketplaces. Its daunting the amount of info you have to enter, although its somehow exciting too. Just knowing that forward motion is happening is so refreshing! Even in small small steps.
I'm also discovering just how magical online commerce really is when you aren't used to it! You upload photos, set prices for your work, and BOOM they print and mail and the whole shebang! For someone who works full time, hasn't bought a book of stamps in 5 years and only goes to the post office at Christmas, this is AWESOME. And even better, you can link your professional FB account (next on my list!) to your online marketplace so that whenever you put new photos up for sale is shows on you FB wall. Maybe i've been living under a rock for years - but i'm sure there are others out there just like me, who are discovering these magical online tools and just sitting there in front of your screen in wonder. =]
So.... I don't actually HAVE any photos up for sale yet, as i'm still at work and all my full size files are at home. But the account is there! The bio is written, the profile pic is up, and the link to this blog is listed!
All in all, a successful day at Forwardification!
Thanks for reading! =)
P.S. For those curious to spread their wings into the online world, here's a few of the sites I've just signed up with: (all free!)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Extraordinary Exposures Contest 2010
The Aperture Academy is proud to present the 2010 Extraordinary Exposures Photography Contest.
Categories for entry are: Nature's Landscapes, Wildlife, and Urban Landscapes.
PRICE: $20 for 10 entries
DEADLINE: Nov 30th, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Burrard-Lucas Wildlife Photo Contest
Burrard-Lucas Blog has posted their last photo contest of the year. The theme is "WILDLIFE"!
They are looking for images of wild animals that stand out from the crowd… be it a striking portrait or interesting moment of an animal’s behaviour. Animals in captivity are eligible as long as noted in submission. Send those photos!
DEADLINE: Oct 31st, 2010
They are looking for images of wild animals that stand out from the crowd… be it a striking portrait or interesting moment of an animal’s behaviour. Animals in captivity are eligible as long as noted in submission. Send those photos!
DEADLINE: Oct 31st, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Summer Show Project

The Foley Gallery in NYC is opening an incredible opportunity for emerging photographers. The premise is to include 8 selected lesser known/emerging photographers to be placed in an exhibit with well-known photographers at their NYC gallery space! Upon being selected, each photographer will have until next summer to create a series of which the gallery will feature the two strongest pieces from. Talk about great exposure!
It may be a long-shot, but its worth trying. You never know if you don't show up!
Entry Fee: $60
Deadline: Oct 25, 2010
Visit the Website >
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
NY Trip - Boldt Castle Stairwell
Going to be uploading shots from my recent trip to upstate New York as I finish them.
Here's a teaser!
Here's a teaser!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Nature Conservancy's 5th Annual Photo Contest
The Nature Conservancy invites you to enter your stunning nature photos to our 5th annual digital photography competition.
They're looking for beautiful nature photography representing the diversity of life on Earth. Your own original digital images of our lands, waters, plants, animals and people in nature are all eligible for the competition.
DEADLINE: Oct 4th, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Friday Features: Kim Høltermand
Hi shootshoppers!
At the end of each week, I will be featuring a new photographer - with a few samples of their work and a short bio/article about them.
Todays Friday Feature:
Kim Høltermand | VISIT WEBSITE >
I was floored when I first stumbled on Kim's work. There is an unmistakably profound quality-a commanding presence-about it.
After digging a bit I found a short bio about him on abduzeedo.com:
"Kim grew up in the suburbs of Copenhagen and throughout his childhood grew an interest in drawing. He had drawn from an early age but hadn’t taken art seriously until he got to college. Kim worked as a graphic designer while his interest in photography grew. He got his first SLR only a couple years ago and things have really taken off for Kim since that moment. Kim specializes in architectural photography. In a quote from himself “I heart Architecture”. Aside from architecture Kim also takes some really amazing nature and landscape photos, and has been thinking recently about beginning a to work with film."
I can personally relate to Kim's story, as what is described above is pretty spot on with my own story - minus the incredible success as a photographer part - yet to come! ;) It's amazing to see how far he has come in such a short time... and inspires me to keep pushing forward!
Anyway, enough about me! Here's some samples of Kim's work. He certainly has a very distinct style and an incredible eye for making the most simple yet profound images. Enjoy dear friends!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Ellen Rennard: The Downs at Albuquerque
Another photographer I stumbled on today, with a beautiful collection capturing the lifeblood and essence of the people and horses of the Albuquerque Downs.
Farm Animal Sanctuary Project
Stumbled on this great collection by Sharon Lee Hart while searching for exhibits this morning. I love the raw textures and low camera angles she's used. Beautiful stuff.
Take a look at the FULL COLLECTION >
Thursday, August 5, 2010
\As a leader in capturing our world through brilliant imagery, National Geographic sets the standard for photographic excellence. Now you can share your vision of the world. Enter to win $10,000 and have your photo published in National Geographic magazine! Photos will be judged on creativity and photographic quality.
Submit your entry online in any of these three categories: People, Places, and Nature. The submission period begins September 1 and ends November 30. Winners will be announced in early December. There is an entry fee of U.S. $15 per photo.
Visit the link below in September and send in your best shot!
Visit the Website >
DEADLINE: NOV 30th, 2010
Nat. Geo World In Focus Contest
National Geographic's Annual Travel Photo contest!
SEND IN YOUR BEST TRAVEL SHOT and you could win a trip to the Galápagos Islands with National Geographic Expeditions, a stay in Waikiki, Hawaii, and more.
CLICK HERE for more info or to enter.
DEADLINE: August 23rd, 2010
PRICE: $12 per entry (Amateur), $35 per entry (Pro)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Hey, Hot Shot!, the premier international photography competition, is now open for entries! The deadline for submissions is August 22, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. (EDT). Our esteemed panel will select five photographers as the 2010 Hot Shots. Each photographer will be awarded; a $500 honorarium, participation in the 2010 Hot Shot Exhibition at Jen Bekman Gallery, and the opportunity to release an edition on 20x200. Jen Bekman will select one of the five 2010 Hot Shots for the Grand Prize and announce the recipient on March 15, 2011. In addition to the honors as a Hot Shot, the grand prize recipient will be awarded; a $5,000 honorarium to support a personal project, a solo exhibition at Jen Bekman Gallery, and representation from Jen Bekman Gallery for two years, commencing with his/her selection. All entrants are reviewed for participation in 20x200, have the chance to be featured on the Hey, Hot Shot! blog and receive ample opportunity for online exposure on Facebook, Flickr and Twitter. Sound good? The guidelines are simple: submit five photographs from a single body of work, using our online upload tool, with an entry fee of $75. For more information and to apply, visit website.
COST: $75 for 5 images
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Texas Biennial 2011

As an independent survey of contemporary art in Texas, the 2011 Biennial is an opportunity to investigate current art-making in Texas and promote the incredible innovation happening within our great state. New York based art historian Virginia Rutledge is this year's curator. In the same independent spirit as years past, the 2011 Biennial will encourage a dialogue amongst artists, curators, writers and art lovers alike!
Deadline: Extended to August 31st!!!
Entry Fee: $20 for every 5 pieces
CLICK HERE for more info!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Blurb's Annual Photo Book Competition!

Call for entries for the Photography Book Now competition!
All submissions must be photography books that are self-published either through Blurb or another self-publishing facilitator. I'm unfamiliar with using blurb or any other self-publisher to create photo books/portfolios as I don't really have enough solid work built up yet to do so. I am going to get nosey about it and see what this is all about. Wondering if it's a worthwhile investment down the road. hmmm...
Entry fee is $35USD per entry.
Deadline is July 15th.
CLICK HERE for more info.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Black&White: People, Places or Things

The Mlps Photo Center of Minneapolis, MN is calling for entries to an exhibit focused on black & white photography. The exhibit is focused around the Robert Frank quote, "Black and white are the colors of photography. To me they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected".
Entries are $35 for the first 5 images, and $10 for each additional entry.
Deadline is July 23, 2010.
First Place: $300
Second Place: $200
Third Place: $100
CLICK HERE for more information and to submit entries!
Best of 2010 at Marziart International Gallery
Marziart International Gallery in Hamburg, Germany invites all Artists,18 years or older, to the juried exhibition "Best of the year 2010" The competition is open to all visual artists working in the media photography, painting and sculpture (no installations)The intention is to give talented artist the chance to present their works to the german public without paying the usual exhibition fee to the gallery and to underline their creativity. The exhibition will take place at the Marziart international Gallery in Hamburg,30th of July 2010 - 11th of August 2010Entry fee : 35 Euro or 50 USD for up to 5 images, 5 Euro or 8 USD (for each additional image)
Entries are due by July 5th, 2010.
CLICK HERE to visit the website and submit entries!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
JDPW Various Contests

The Julia Dean Photo Workshops offers several diverse contests a year:
Entry Deadline: July 17, 2010
One person is selected for this prize and is given a one-person, all expenses paid exhibition at a prestigious LA gallery (TBA), an exhibition book, plus a Canon EOS50D/E 28-135 Kit. This year’s juror is David Fahey ofFahey/Klein Gallery in LA.
Deadline for 2010 entry: June 25, 2010
There are many different kinds of alternative processes such as: cyanotypes, platinum & palladium, Polaroid transfers & emulsion lifts, gum prints, collodion wet plate process, and liquid light. Various alternative styles are accomplished with pinhole cameras, and toy cameras. Almost anything goes, though the judges reserve the right to decide what alternative means. Prize: First Place winner receives $100 and all winners will exhibit their work at an exhibit opening at the Julia Dean Gallery in Venice Beach, California.
Deadline for entry: January 17, 2011
The New Documentarian Award refers to a new approach to showing, sharing, and promoting documentary photography. Prize: Cash prize to continue the documentary project.
GOOD's Water Picture Show
Friend of mine forwarded this to me...
As a result of the recent BP oil spill, GOOD is putting together a photo show that focuses on the importance of water. Winning selections will be published in an issue of GOOD.
Deadline is July 16th!
Check it out! - WATER PICTURE SHOW >
As a result of the recent BP oil spill, GOOD is putting together a photo show that focuses on the importance of water. Winning selections will be published in an issue of GOOD.
Deadline is July 16th!
Check it out! - WATER PICTURE SHOW >
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
In the Wild Exhibit
Local Photo contest/exhibit in Vermont focusing on wildlife - deadline today! HURRY HURRY!
NWF Photo Contest 2010
Official 2010 National Wildlife Photo Contest
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
American Photography
An illustrator friend of mine shared this with me... Submissions are closed already for this year - but thought i'd post it up as a resource for potential competition next year!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
WILD at Heart Workshop

I met up with my photography group here in Dallas for a critique last night and heard about this amazing workshop. For any Texans looking to further themselves in wildlife photography - this sounds like a really incredible experience for a great price!
Check it out!
This is a weekend workshop located at Los Madrones Ranch near Austin. I've been told this is a really incredible place to shoot wildlife - with blinds set up exclusively for photography and a wide array of wildlife!
I'd also like to note that the photographer teaching this workshop is Dallas native Sean Fitzgerald - whom I had the pleasure of meeting last night. If you have not seen his work, take a look. He does some really incredible stuff and has an amazing eye. Definitely someone I look forward to learning from.
Happy Wednesday!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Nikon School
Just got an email from Nikon promoting their new Nikon school section online.
They offer a wide variety of classes, workshops, and mentoring programs for all experience levels. A great resource, check it out!

Taking your first in-the-field workshop is a great way to boost your photographic skills.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Welcome photographers - expert and novice alike!
Let me introduce myself. My name is Sarah, and I am a wizz-bang graphic designer by day, and a photographer, writer, and all around lover of life by night and weekend. When i graduated college a few years ago, i realized i had almost NO pictures from the past 6 years! I got a little point and shoot camera and began taking pictures everywhere i went. Finally last year, by the grace of someone close to me, I got my first Nikon camera!
I'm starting this up both for myself and others. I needed a place to keep track of all the conferences, competitions, workshops, forums, and other resources out there! I'll be posting a lot of local and regional-specific resources (Dallas and Texas) but will also include national and international items as well.
So here we go! I hope you find it helpful in furthering your own careers and hobbies. Please feel free to give me feedback on any way I can make it even more awesome! =D
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